Welcome to the Badass Investor Pack!
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As a reminder, these are our topics:
that includes:
how to react in crisis’ and market drops
how to reduce and control your risks
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how to choose an asset allocation that suits you
what position sizing to choose
why long-term will make you rich
and a lot more
why ETF will let you sleep well and relax
why you should not buy MSCI World ETFs
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why you should not have a “worldportfolio”
why the fees & costs are so important
why momentum & trend-investing is so powerful- and how to avoid the risks
how to choose the right ETF
how and where to buy ETF
how to prevent total loss by chosing the right stocks
how to find the next Amazon, Netflix or Twilio
…more (expand)
how to choose a stock
how NOT to choose a stock (icon: a sheep and its “X”t that means, dont be a sheep and follow the herd)
how und where to buy stocks
how and where NOT to buy stocks
why some people don’t like gold
why you should have it anyway
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how to pick the right form of Gold investment (ETF, stocks, physical gold, crypto gold)
how and where to buy it
why some people don’t like Bitcoin & Co. and why they are right
why some people adore Bitcoin & Co. and why they are right
how and where to buy Bitcoin & other Cryptos
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what determines the price of Bitcoin and other Coins
why it is so important to check the business model
where to find out more about crypto coins, business model, prices
why this is a no-brainer for every investor
how to use the new possibilities of investing in real-estate and why you should be careful
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what possibilities you have (ETF, REITS, properties, Fintechs)
how and where to invest
Best regards
Tobias & the Badass Investor Team